- At the heart of the company’s success is the uncompromising attitude to Health & Safety.
- At the earliest stage all projects are reviewed with Health & Safety in mind, and relevant control measures put in place to ensure efficient execution of all works throughout the project.
- The Health, Safety and Welfare of all employees and customers is of paramount importance to E.E.E. The company commits itself to implementing all current Health & Safety Legislation at all times. Providing the resources and actively seeking the co-operation of all employees and customers to ensure all-round success.
- E.E.E. is fully aware for the over-riding need for correct Health & Safety procedures. Each project will have in place a fully documented safe system of work, ensuring that the necessary controls are in place to enable all contracts to be carried out in a safe working environment.
- E.E.E. has personnel trained to the following standards:
- Confined Space Working
- Appointed Person (Lifting Operations)
- IPAF (Powered Access Equipment)
- PASMA (Aluminium Towers)
- First Aid